#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Animal
// virtual void eat() { std::cout << "I'm eating generic food." << std::endl; }
virtual void eat() =0; // pure virtual function ends with =0, this class cant be instantiate
// turn the following virtual modifier on/off to see what happens
std::string Says()
return "make virtual ?";
class Cat : public Animal
void eat() override
std::cout << "I'm eating a rat." << std::endl;
void hi()
std::cout << "hiiii" << std::endl;
std::string Says()
return "Cat Woof";
void func(Animal *xyz)
// xyz->hi();
int main()
// base *p;
// derived obj1;
// p = &obj1;
Animal *animal = new Animal;
Cat *cat = new Cat;
// animal->eat(); // Outputs: "I'm eating generic food."
// cat->eat(); // Outputs: "I'm eating a rat."
// func(animal); // Outputs: "I'm eating generic food."
func(cat); // Outputs: "I'm eating generic food."
Cat* c = new Cat();
Animal* a = c; // refer to Dog instance with Animal pointer
cout << c->Says() << std::endl ; // always Woof
cout << a->Says() << std::endl; // Woof or ?, depends on virtual
return 0;
using namespace std;
class Animal
// virtual void eat() { std::cout << "I'm eating generic food." << std::endl; }
virtual void eat() =0; // pure virtual function ends with =0, this class cant be instantiate
// turn the following virtual modifier on/off to see what happens
std::string Says()
return "make virtual ?";
class Cat : public Animal
void eat() override
std::cout << "I'm eating a rat." << std::endl;
void hi()
std::cout << "hiiii" << std::endl;
std::string Says()
return "Cat Woof";
void func(Animal *xyz)
// xyz->hi();
int main()
// base *p;
// derived obj1;
// p = &obj1;
Animal *animal = new Animal;
Cat *cat = new Cat;
// animal->eat(); // Outputs: "I'm eating generic food."
// cat->eat(); // Outputs: "I'm eating a rat."
// func(animal); // Outputs: "I'm eating generic food."
func(cat); // Outputs: "I'm eating generic food."
Cat* c = new Cat();
Animal* a = c; // refer to Dog instance with Animal pointer
cout << c->Says() << std::endl ; // always Woof
cout << a->Says() << std::endl; // Woof or ?, depends on virtual
return 0;
Why virtual function
, assume for example a situation in which you had a function in your program that used the methods from each of the derived classes respectively(getMonthBenefit()):
double totalMonthBenefit = 0;
std::vector<CentralShop*> mainShop = { &shop1, &shop2, &shop3, &shop4, &shop5, &shop6};
for(CentralShop* x : mainShop){
totalMonthBenefit += x -> getMonthBenefit();
Now, try to re-write this, without any headaches!
double totalMonthBenefit=0;
Shop1* branch1 = &shop1;
Shop2* branch2 = &shop2;
Shop3* branch3 = &shop3;
Shop4* branch4 = &shop4;
Shop5* branch5 = &shop5;
Shop6* branch6 = &shop6;
totalMonthBenefit += branch1 -> getMonthBenefit();
totalMonthBenefit += branch2 -> getMonthBenefit();
totalMonthBenefit += branch3 -> getMonthBenefit();
totalMonthBenefit += branch4 -> getMonthBenefit();
totalMonthBenefit += branch5 -> getMonthBenefit();
totalMonthBenefit += branch6 -> getMonthBenefit();
And actually, this might be yet a contrived example either!